Luxury.House is a one stop website that gives information regarding Luxury Houses. The Luxury House are in two categories, first is Luxury House (below Rs 40 Crores) and Ultra Luxury House (Above Rs 40 Crores). One can select various categories of properties like apartments, villas, farm-houses etc, then select the budget and the search filter can be activated. Luxury.House has both verified and unverified properties, the same will be displayed on the listing cards.
Luxury.House deals only in Luxury Houses in
Disclaimer:The information provided on Luxury.House is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute a binding offer or contract. Luxury.House acts as a facilitator for brokerage services and does not directly own or sell properties. All property listings, prices, availability, and other details are subject to change without prior notice and must be independently verified by the user. Luxury.House is not responsible for any inaccuracies, omissions, or legal issues.